Friday, December 5, 2008

Top Five Tips for New Bloggers

5. Look at other peoples' blogs..   Seriously, there are soo many good looking blogs out there.

4. Turn off the TV - well, it isn't really helping me right now... -_-

3. Jet into it - just write something first, get a feel of the interface, and if you really want, you can edit it later - it is supposed to be a log of progress.

2. Follow other peoples' blogs - it is too convenient and you get to keep up with people.

1. This one might not be that obvious, but everytime you blog, make a new post...

Also, if you haven't already, I'd recommend you take a look at Rhys' blog and Monique's blog.

edit: use tags to mark your posts - I haven't got around to it yet.. but, one day they'll magically appear. :) 


  1. Good start. Great to see you linking to some of your fellow bloggers.

  2. Hey Daryl, Thanks for the shout out! You mentioned in the discussion boards something about not liking the fonts or colour.... I know what you mean, I have been using this same theme for a while now on this blog and I really want to find some time to change it...
    I much prefer the theme I used on this blog but it did take a fair bit of tinkering! Don't worry though the real crux of this assignment I think is the learning not the look of your blog. The look is what we all get caught up on because it's our expression but vanity sometimes gets in the way of learning!

  3. Great start like the blog particularly your relaxed style and conversational approach. I found it very engaging.

    I want Tags as well but that will have to wait for the moment.
